BioSAFE Engineering - A Clean Energy Company

STI: Technology Comparison

STI: Technology Comparison

STI Waste Treatment Systems have the proven lowest industry operating cost, obtained through completely automated continuous operation (no batch processing) and sustainable steam treatment of medical waste.

How do STI Waste Treatment Systems compare to other waste treatment methods?

Medical Waste Treatment Technology Features Comparison

STI Autoclave Microwave Rotary Autoclave Incinerator / Pyrolysis Rotating Paddles Ozone
Steam Treatment
Moist Heat Treatment
High-Temperature Treatment
Chemical Treatment
6 Log Reduction of Bacterial Spores
Dry Waste Product to Landfill (inexpensive)
Automated Loading Standard (limits handling)
Shredded Waste Standard (bulk reduction=cost reduction)
STAATT III Compatible(Integral Shredding/Treatment)
Continuous Process(most efficient throughput)
Bulk Reduction Achieved 80% 30% 85% 85% 95% 20% 80%
High or Low-Pressure System (low pressure=low cost) Low High Low High N/A High
Odor-Vector Control 
Maintenance Interval of Shredder in Pounds Processed 2-3M 800K 800K 800K N/A 1M 1M
Closed System Without Exposed Waste
Cost Per Pound To Process (large capacity unit) $0.02 $0.06 $0.04 $0.06 $0.14 $0.10 $0.15
Average Capital Cost $600K-$2M $150-$500K $750-$900K $750K $3M $600-$900K $900K-$1.7M

Medical Waste Treatment Technology Limitations Comparison

STI Autoclave Microwave Rotary Autoclave Incinerator / Pyrolysis Rotating Paddles Ozone
Wet / Heavy Waste Product to Landfill (costly)
Manual Loading and Unloading Standard
Manual Unloading Standard
Batch Process (slow lower throughput)
Requirement To Manually Sort White Bag / Red Bag Waste
Full-Time Operator Required (direct labor expense)
Problems With Metallic Objects
Compressed Air Required(additional expense)
Chilled / Cooling Water Required(additional expense)